Final Project Guidelines

Course: Thinking Machines

Duration: 5 Weeks

Project Overview

Critique existing, generative and digital art


Project Requirements

1. Exploration

2. Generation

3. Artistry

4. Critique

5. Technical Implementation

Timeline and Milestones

Week 1: Project Proposal (Due: Friday, 18 Oct)

Deliverable: 1 page proposal including your initial four works of arts, a draft of your introduction, and a hypothesis for what you will learn.

Week 2: Generation (Due: Friday, 25 Oct)

Deliverable: Colab document containing 4 generated images, with explanations. You should include links to transcriptions used to generate the images.

Week 3: Artistry (Due: Friday, 1 Nov)

Deliverable: Colab document containing 4 graphics, with all code and explanations.

Week 4: Critique & Peer Review (Due: Wednesday, 6 Nov)

Deliverable: Full draft HTML critique for peer review and feedback.

Week 5: Final Report (Due: Friday, 15 Nov)

Deliverables: Final HTML report on Github Pages.

Grading Rubric (100 Points Total)

Effort 100

The final project should demonstrate your ability to thoughtfully consider art, machines, and humans.