Context Free Pumping

Sat 11:30 AM

Prof. Calvin

CSCI 5100


  • CF Pumping Lemma
    • Statement
    • Examples


Avoid this trap

  • Suppose we wish to prove a language is not a context free language
  • We must prove there is no CFG/PDA that recognizes the language.
  • It may be tempting to conclude:
    • I thought about it really hard.
    • I could find no PDA/CFG
    • Therefore the language is not a context free language.


  • Take \(\Sigma = \{0,1,2\}\)
  • Take \(B = \{0^k1^k2^k| k \in \mathbb{N}\}\)
  • This language is not a context free language.
    • If you had a stack, match 0s with 1s
    • How to deal with 2s?
    • Not a proof, but an intuition.

Pumping Lemma

Regular Pumping Lemma

\[ \begin{aligned} &\forall A:\exists p \in \mathbb{N} : \\ &\exists xyz \in A : |xyz| \geq p \implies \\ &\forall i \in \mathbb{N} : xy^iz \in A \land \\ &|y| > 0 \land \\ &|xy| \leq p \end{aligned} \]

  • That is, \(\{xz, xyz, xyyz\} \in A\)
  • We “pump up” the number of occurances of y

Context Free Pumping Lemma

\[ \begin{aligned} &\forall \text{ CFL } A :\exists p \in \mathbb{N} : \\ &\exists s = uvxyz \in A : |uvxyz| \geq p \implies \\ &\forall i \in \mathbb{N} : uv^ixy^iz \in A \land \\ &|vy| > 0 \land \\ &|vxy| \leq p \end{aligned} \]

  • That is, \(\{uxz, uvxyz, uvvxyyz\} \in A\)
  • We “pump up” occurances of v and y

Sketch of Proof

  • We imagine an arbitrarily long string.
    • We’ll be precise latter.
  • The parse tree of a long string is very high.
    • Recall parse trees:

finite_automata 1 E 2 E 1->2 3 + 1->3 4 E 1->4 5 a 2->5 6 E 4->6 7 × 4->7 8 E 4->8


  • Can a string of length 1 million be made my a parse tree of height 1?
    • How about all factors of 1 million?
  • We’ll quantify this shortly.

\[ \begin{aligned} &S \rightarrow 0^{10^6} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Given a tall tree

  • Let’s assume the tall tree
  • Each step in the tree involves variable substitution
  • So as soon as height is greater than the size of set of variables, we necessarily repeat some variable.



 \draw (0,0) circle (1cm);

Proof by Picture

\(s\) is long

Parse Tree

Begin with \(E\)

Tree is tall

Take a Derivation

Necessary Repetition

\(R\) to \(s\)

\(s\) to \(uvxyz\)

Displace the lowest \(R\)

With the higher \(R\)

Side by side

  • On the left we have \(s = uvxyz\)
  • On the right we have \(s = uvvxyz = uv^2xy^2z\)
  • Process is repeatable.


Code Reveal

\fill[darkgray!40!black] (0,0) rectangle (10,7);
\draw[white] (2,2) -- node[below,cyan] {u} ++(1,0)  -- node[below,cyan] {v} ++(1,0) ;
\draw[white] (4,2) -- node[below,cyan] {x} ++(2,0);
\draw[white] (6,2) -- node[below,cyan] {y} ++(1,0) -- node[below,cyan] {z} ++(1,0);

\draw[white] (5,5.5) -- node[below,cyan] {E} ++(0,0) ;

\draw[white] (5,4.5) -- node[below,cyan] {R} ++(0,0) ;
\draw[white] (5,3.5) -- node[below,cyan] {R} ++(0,0) ;

\draw[white] (2,2) -- (5,5) ;
\draw[white] (5,5) -- (8,2) ;

\draw[white] (3,2) -- (5,4) ;
\draw[white] (5,4) -- (7,2) ;

\draw[white] (4,2) -- (5,3) ;
\draw[white] (5,3) -- (6,2) ;

\fill[darkgray!40!black] (0,0) rectangle (10,7);
\draw[white] (2,2) -- node[below,cyan] {u} ++(1,0)  -- node[below,cyan] {v} ++(1,0) ;
\draw[white] (6,2) -- node[below,cyan] {y} ++(1,0) -- node[below,cyan] {z} ++(1,0);

\draw[white] (5,5.5) -- node[below,cyan] {E} ++(0,0) ;

\draw[white] (5,4.5) -- node[below,cyan] {R} ++(0,0) ;
\draw[white] (5,3.5) -- node[below,cyan] {R} ++(0,0) ;
\draw[white] (5,2.5) -- node[below,cyan] {R} ++(0,0) ;

\draw[white] (2,2) -- (5,5) ;
\draw[white] (5,5) -- (8,2) ;

\draw[white] (3,2) -- (5,4) ;
\draw[white] (5,4) -- (7,2) ;

\draw[white] (3,1) -- (5,3) ;
\draw[white] (5,3) -- (7,1) ;

\draw[white] (4,1) -- (5,2) ;
\draw[white] (5,2) -- (6,1) ;

\draw[white] (3,1) -- node[below,cyan] {v} ++(1,0) -- node[below,cyan] {x} ++(2,0) -- node[below,cyan] {y} ++(1,0) ;



Context Free Pumping Lemma

\[ \begin{aligned} &\forall \text{ CFL } A :\exists p \in \mathbb{N} : \\ &\exists s = uvxyz \in A : \\ & |uvxyz| \geq p \implies \\ &\forall i \in \mathbb{N} : uv^ixy^iz \in A \land \\ &|vy| > 0 \land \\ &|vxy| \leq p \end{aligned} \]



  • Take \(b\) maximum branch size
  • Take \(h\) height parse tree
  • Need \(|s| < b^h\)
  • Let \(p = b^{|V|}\)
    • \(V\) is the set of variables.

All conditions

  • \(uv^ixy^iz \in A \forall i \in \mathbb{N}\)
    • Cut and paste
  • \(vy \neq \varepsilon\)
    • Take smallest possible tree.
  • \(|vxy| \leq p\)
    • Pick lowest \(R\)


  • Take \(B = \{0^k1^k2^k|k\in\mathbb{N}\}\)
    • Need 0, 1, and 2 in \(vxy\)
      • \(|vxy| \leq p\)
    • Pumping anything leads to unequal.
    • Not in CFL by condition 3.

Stretch Break