Turing Machines

Sat 01:30 PM

Prof. Calvin

CSCI 5100


  • Turing Machines
    • Introduction
    • Schematic
    • Formal Definition

Turing Machines


  1. Automata and Language Theory (12.5 hours)
  • SLO 1: Define and differentiate between finite automata (DFA, NFA, GNFA) and reg- ular expressions, and demonstrate the equivalence between these models.
  • SLO 2: Describe the capabilities and limitations of push-down automata (PDA) and context-free grammars (CFG), and apply the pumping lemma to prove that certain languages are not context-free.


  • This lecture marks a shift
  • We move from Automata theory to Computability theory
  • We essentially introduced automata to understand the Turing Machine
  • The Turing Machine models all computation.

Turing Machines “TM” (1936)

  • Equivalent to:
    • Alonzo Church’s Lambda Calculus (1930)
      • I really like the Lambda Calculus
      • No one else does 😂
    • Kurt Gödel’s General Recursion (1933)
      • Gödel claimed the TM was just better
    • Emil Post’s model (1936)
      • Basically a TM


How I imagine a TM

Turing machine 2b

  • \(q_1\) in head denotes the internal, finite state a la *FA/PDA
  • The array denotes the tape, a la schematic model
  • The 0 denotes a special “blank” symbol.

Describing a TM

Turing machine 2b

  • Internal state: \(q_1\), basically the current *FA/PDA state
  • Non-blank tape symbols ['1','1','B']
  • The head position, say, -1 as it is before the symbols

Thinking about a TM

Turing machine 2b

  1. Head can read and write
  2. Head is two-way
  3. Tape is infinite
  4. Infinitely many blanks(0) follow input
  5. Can accept/reject at any time


\[ B = \{a^kb^kc^k|k\in\mathbb{N}\} \]

  1. Begin leftmost
  2. Scan right until 0 while \(s \in a^ib^jc^k\)
  3. Loop
  • Return head to leftmost position.
  • Cross off one each of a, b, c or reject
  • Accept on all blank

Understanding Check

  • What does cross off mean?
    • How does it affect the alphabet?

Formal Definition

A Turing Machine

\[ M := (Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, q_0, q_{acc}, q_{rej}) \]

  • \(\Sigma\): The input alphabet
  • \(\Gamma\): The tape alphabet, we note \(\Sigma \subset \Gamma\)
  • \(\delta: Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow Q \times \Gamma \times \{L, R\} \quad (L = \text{Left}, R = \text{Right})\)
  • \(\delta(q, a) = (r, b, R)\)

A Turing Machine

\[ M := (Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, q_0, q_{acc}, q_{rej}) \]

  • Term: Halt - a Turing Machine \(M\) “halts” by entering \(q_{acc}\) or \(q_{rej}\)
  • Term: Loop - set complement of halt.
  • Three possible outcomes for \(M\) on \(w\)
    1. Accept \(w\) by halting in \(q_{acc}\)
    2. Reject \(w\) by halting in \(q_{rej}\)
    3. Reject \(w\) by looping

Understanding Check

  • Is this deterministic, or not?
    • How to make it the other?

Recognize \(\oplus\) Decide

  • Introduce term Turing-recognizable
    • Let \(M\) by a TM.
    • Let \(L(M) = \{w | M(w) \rightarrow q_{acc} \}\)
  • Say “\(M\) recognizes \(L\)” if \(A = L(M)\)
  • \(A\) is Turing-recognizable if \(\exists M : A = L(M)\)

Recognize \(\oplus\) Decide

  • Say \(M\) is a decider if \(M\) always halts
    • \(\forall w : M(w) \rightarrow \{ q_{acc}, q_{rej} \}\)
  • Say \(M\) decides \(A\) if \(\exists M : A = L(M)\) and \(M\) is a decider.
  • There exist things that are recognizable but not decidable.

Sets and Subsets


  • See also:
    • A recursively enumerable language is a way of referring to a Turing-recognizable language without using someone’s name (debatably poor form)
    • A recursive language is the same, for Turing-decidable
  • In practice, I use these terms (usually as “RE”) except when teaching a course on Turing Machines.

Sets and Subsets

Stretch Break