
HW 0x0: Due Th, Jan 23


Goal: Learn C I/O and strings

  • My responsibility
    • I will provide a reference solution in Python (solved)
    • I will provide an autograder Containerfile (tester)
  • Your responsibility
    • You will create a solution in C as an “enigma.c” file
    • You will create a Gist with an “enigma.c”
    • You will email me, from your credentialed school email, the url of your Gist, it will look something like:
  • What follows is reference material to prepare you to implement “enigma.c”
    • Enigma, Solved, Visual, and Rotors form a description of the requirements
    • Tester documents the autograder
    • Other headings cover the technical details that support the implementation.

Topic Areas

Review: Newish:
- podman - curl
- vim - stdio
- gcc - ciphers
- git


  • Enigma was a historically significant technology
    • It was a Nazi encryption device, using ciphers
    • It was broken by Turing, gay icon and one of the first and greatest computer scientists
  • At Willamette, Enigma is an (in)famous CS 151 Intro to Programming assignment
    • Basically it is the first assignment that requires nested for loops
  • In this course, Enigma will demonstrate the obscurity/clarity divide
    • In Python, letters and numbers are different things
    • In C, there are no letters or really numbers, just bits and bytes
    • This makes Enigma in C easier, despite being a “harder” language.

Reference Materials


  • Here is a reference solution, with a few tests, in Python.
  • I regard this code as considerably easier to read, test, and understand than most plaintext descriptions.
  • I will also do a visual representation.
  • The ciphers are sometimes called “rotors” because historically they were implemented as a rotating… cipher.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# constants                       # constant
rs = [                            # rotors
A  = ord('A')                     # value of 'A'
NC = len(rs[0])                   # number of characters

# apply a cipher/rotor `r` to a letter `c`
rapply = lambda c, r : r[ord(c) - A]

# invert a cipher/rotor `r`
    # create a list of letters with their index
        # [(r[i],i) for i in range(NC)]
    # sort the list
        # for p in sorted
    # convert indexes to back to letters in the alphabet
        # chr(p[1]+A)
invert = lambda r : [chr(p[1]+A) for p in sorted([(r[i],i) for i in range(NC)])]

# extend the rotor set to include inverted ciphers
    # In reversed order, as well
    # fas med slo ref slo med fas
rs += [invert(r) for r in rs[2::-1]]

# encrypt letter `c` with rotors in default* positions
rotors = lambda c : [c := rapply(c,r) for r in rs][-1]

# default position a,b,c -> r,f,o, respectively
] == ['R','F','O'])

# shift letter `c` forward `n` letters in alphabet
nshift = lambda c, n : chr((ord(c) - A + n) % NC + A)

# allow rotor rotations
    # fast spins every letter
    # medi spins every time fast loops back NC->0
    # slow ""               medi ""
shifts = lambda l, n : [
    l % NC, l // NC % NC, l // (NC*NC) % NC,
    l // (NC*NC) % NC, l // NC % NC, l % NC

# combine shift apply? don't know what to call
shiply = lambda c, n, r : nshift(rapply(nshift(c,n),r),-n)
# or if you prefer
shiply = lambda c, n, r : chr((ord(r[(ord(c)-A+n)%NC])-A-n)%NC+A)

# single letter enigma, with number of previous letters `l`
letter = lambda c, l : [c := shiply(c,shifts(l,i),rs[i]) for i in range(len(rs))][-1]

# phrase
    # enigma starts with an single rotation before first encryption.
enigma = lambda s : "".join([letter(s[i],i+1) for i in range(len(s))])

# test
] == ["ZLC","ZRA","AAA"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
  • Here is an example of how it is used to print “HELLOWORLD”:


Single Cipher

  • Visualize a cipher as mapping a A-Z to A-Z.
    • Say, ‘E’ becomes ‘J’

Iterative Cipher

  • We can apply ciphers iteratively.
    • So the output ‘J’ of the first cipher is input to the next cipher.

All Ciphers

  • Enigma ciphers/rotors are named:
    • Fast
    • Medium
    • Slow
    • Reflect, which has special properties
  • We note that with the reflector:
    • If we take the alphabet and find a corresponding letter in the cipher, or
    • If we take the cipher and find a corresponding letter in the alphabet
    • We get the same letter…
  • This is…
    • The special property of the reflector, and
    • How we will re-use the fast, medium, and slow ciphers.


  • After the reflect cipher, values are decrypted
    • A letter’s place in the cipher, not alphabet, is found
    • This location is used to determine the letter in the alphabet
    • Essentially, a change from mapping the alphabet to a cipher, and vice versa.
  • ‘H’ comes out of the reflector
    • ‘H’ is is index 7 letter of the alphabet
    • So in the next cipher, we’ll look up the index 7 letter of the cipher
    • It is now more helpful to think of an index than a letter - that is what changes here.


  • We can separately calculate what cipher would correspond to the “inverted” slow cipher.
    • We take all the slow->alphabet pairs
    • We alphabetize the pairs by the first letter
    • The output is no longer alphabetized, as is a new cipher.
  • It is left to the student as a design decision whether do
    • “Decrypt” via a provided cipher, or
    • “Invert” a provided cipher, and apply the inverted cipher.
  • Students should consider the complexity of both methods.

Iterating Back

  • The next cipher is “medium” and its index 7 letter is ‘U’
    • ‘U’ is the index 20 letter of the alphabet.


  • The entire end-to-end cipher application can be visualized as follows…

For the remainder of the write-up, I will assume without loss of generality the usage of inverted ciphers.


Single Rotor

  • Visualize a rotor as mapping a A-Z to A-Z.
    • Say, ‘E’ becomes ‘J’


  • We call these things rotors because they rotate:
    • The mapping from e.g. index i of the input to index j of the output is unalterated
      • For example, ‘E’ is index 5 and maps to ‘J’ at index 10, both of the alphabet
    • However, we can change the rotors as follows:
      • The input index is shifted forward by some shift value n
      • This input index is mapped to an output index
      • This output index is shifted backward by the same n
  • Let’s visualize with n = 3

As ciphers

  • It is worth noting this identical to generating ciphers that start an the index n letter of the alphabet and wrap around from Z to A.

For the remainder of the write-up, I will assume without loss of generality that rotations can be understood without considering them to be ciphers.

For Enigma

  • The Enigma machine triggers rotor rotations every time a letter is encrypted.
  • They rotate as follows
    • Before a letter is encryped, the fast rotor rotates forward once.
      • So before the first encryption,
        • (n = 0 : A->A) becomes (n = 1 : A->B) before the fast rotor.
      • To understand this, the rotation must be applied at two points:
    • If the fast rotor “loops back” from a rotation from (n = 25 : A->Z) to a non-rotation of (n = 26 = 0 : A->A), then
      • The medium rotor advances once, from e.g. (n = 0 : A->A) to (n = 1 : A->B)
    • When medium loops back, slow advances once.
    • There are no rotations related to the reflector.
  • Imagine we have typed 29 letters:
    • the fast rotor has progressed 29 times and progresses once more before encryption.
      • So shift by n = 30, or n = 30-26 = 4.
    • the medium rotor progresed 1 time,
    • and slow rotor progressed not at all.
  • Steps labelled “adjust” are not computational
    • I change horizontal alignment of letters to align the rotors.
    • This is a visual change only, as it was in “Visual” above.

char * 

Hello, world!

  • I start “enigma.c” with “hello.c” from Alpine
    • This file will successfully create an executable, not correctly encrypt or decrypt.
    • Try it out with the autograder container.
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("hello, world\n");
    return 0 ;

No strings attached

  • In C there are no strings.
    • There are instead things called char *
    • Say “character star”
    • We attach the * to the variable name
      • We’ll revisit this later - it will make sense.
    • That is, an array, or buffer, of characters
      • Not quite a list - closer to a NumPy array.
  • It matters what things are called.
    • In C we must say what kind of thing a variable is when we “declare” the variable.
    • Later we use the variable, without specifying the kind of thing
    • But we cannot change its kind.
    • C variable declaration is like how Python function declaration, with def
  • We will use format print and variable declarations to introduce char *
    • We note that Python print appends a newline and C printf does not.
      • I specify an non-newline terminator in Python for equivalence.
x = 1
print(f"{x:d}", end="")
# we can reassign x and change its type
x = "hello world"
print(f"{x:s}", end="")
int n = 1;
printf("%d", n) ;
/* we have to make a new variable of novel type */
char *m = "hello world";
printf("%s", m) ;
  • Both have the same output:
    • The numerical value “1” and the string value “hello world” on the same line.
  • You can update “hello.c” to use a format print.
    • This will form the basis of output in this assignment.
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char *str = "hello, world";
    printf("%s\n", str);
    return 0 ;


  • The C language has a form of support for constants
    • These are values that are fixed when the executable is created.
    • They may not be reassigned by any line of code.
  • The #define “pre-processor directive” is used to create constants.
    • #define is like #include which is somewhat like import
    • It defines new values, which are not variables, for use in the .c file
    • The pre-processor reads .c files before the executable is created.
  • We can also use #define for strings, such as the rotor strings.
    • By convention, constants are named in all caps, like ROTORS
    • I used a single string of all rotors concatenated.
    • You may do whatever works for you.
#include <stdio.h>

#define STR "hello, world"

int main() {
    printf("%s\n", STR);
    return 0 ;
  • An astute learner will note that constants need not be computed within an executable.
  • It is not uncommon to compute constants in a different file, or even in a different language.
    • My ROTORS constant was computed in Python.
    • I used Python file operations to save this computation to “enigma.c”
    • Via vim I used the “yank” and “paste” features to move it to the top of “enigma.c”.

Just a little bit

  • In C, characters aren’t printing characters.
    • They are “just bits” - a collection of ones and zeroes, or a number.
    • We attach the * to the variable name
      • We’ll revisit this latter - it will make sense.
    • This differs from Python, which uses strings of length one.
      • This is sketchy, sometimes.
      • Strings are a non-numeric.
  • If we want to use a numerical value as a printing character, we use a format print.
  • C characters use single quotes, and C strings use double quotes.
x = ord('A')
print(f"{x:d}, {x:x}, {x:c}")
/* We do not use anything like ord() */
printf("%d, %x, %c\n", 'A','A','A');
  • Both have the same output:
    • The decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), and unicode/ascii representations of the same value.
  • An astute learner will note that this insight is sufficient to implement a rotor.

C loop

Building Character

  • The core complication of the Enigma machine was that it was an iterative cipher.
  • Let’s practice iteration by iterating over a char *
  • We note:
    • In C there is no string, list, tuple, generator, dictionary, or set type.
    • In Python, for loops require one of these types.
    • Henceforth we refer to the C for loop as a “for loop” and the Python for loop as a “for each loop”.
  • A for loop is composed of three components:
    • Initiate
    • Terminate
    • Iterate
  • Syntactically, they are structured follows:
for ( 𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦; 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦; 𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦) { 
    𝘤𝘰𝘥𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬
  • Print 0 through 9
int i ;
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
    printf("%d\n", i);
  • We now explore each component.
  • An astute learner will note that this insight is sufficient to implement the entire enigma machine.
    • Remaining headings provide guidance on common pitfalls.
    • If you can do enigma now, skip to “C args”


  • The last of the three for loop components, the iterator, is closest to the Python for each loop.
  • The iterator statement is run each time the loop completes, after the internal code block is run.
  • Any statement may be placed in this position.
  • The most common is i++, a special shorthand for incrementation.
    • It is logically equivalent to Python i += 1.
  • Example: Find the length of the first word in a string with an iterator only:
    • Increase a string index by one within the iterator.
    • Include an if statement in the for loop code block.
    • Use a return statement in the if statement code block.
char *str = "hello world";
int i = 0;
for ( ; ; i++) {
        if (str[i] == ' ') {
                printf("%d\n", i);
                return 0;


  • Unlike Python strings, C character arrays have no length.
  • Rather, they end with a special character.
    • This character is called the null terminator
    • It is non-printing (not visible).
    • It is denoted explicitly via '\0'
      • Single quotes to denote a character.
      • A backslash “escape” character to denote a special character.
      • A zero to denote it is “null”, “zero”, or “nothing”
    • It is numerically equal to zero.
  • Unlike Python booleans, C has no boolean type.
    • Rather, it has truthiness, akin to Python if statements with numerical conditions.
    • The numerical value zero is false.
    • All other numerical values are true.
  • The termination statement causes the loop to end when it is equal to zero.
  • Example: Find the length of the first word in a string with a terminator only:
    • Check if a character is the null terminator in the termination statement.
    • Include an incrementation in the for loop code block.
char *str = "hello world";
int i = 0;
for ( ; str[i] ; ) {
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
  • This is also a good example of how sometimes the C for loop may have no code block.
    • Here is a logically equivalent way to measure the length of a char * serving as a string.
char *str = "hello world";
int i = 0;
for ( ; str[i] ; i++ ) { }
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
  • This is also a good chance to test what order the terminator and iterator are checked.
    • The terminator is checked before the iterator.
    • The iterator does not if the terminator is true.
  • This matters a lot in this case, where the length calculated would be off by one.
    • 12 instead of 11
    • The value of the iteration variable i is increased the same time the terminator is checked.
    • So the null terminator is at index 11 but this C code would print the numerical value 12.
char *str = "hello world";
int i = 0;
for ( ; str[i++] ; ) { }
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;


  • The initiator allows setting a variable to a certain value before beginning a loop.
  • I mostly use it when I have more than one loop, and want to use i for both.
  • Here is the above example, with an iniatiator.
char *str = "hello world";
int i ;
for ( i = 0; str[i++] ; ) { }
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
  • The following is permissable in all modern forms of C, but was not an initial feature of the language.
    • As a rule, I try not to declare variables in the initializer so my code works on older devices.
    • It also makes writing a C compiler easier, if you ever plan to do that.
char *str = "hello world";
for ( int i = 0; str[i++] ; ) { }
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;



  • C lacks any collection type (list, set, tuple, string)

  • * notation is used instead

    • * denotes the location of a some value
    • The type of this value gives its size
    • Successive values are at successive locations
    • These are memory addresses.
  • [] notation may also be used

    • We simply include the length within brackets.
  • We don’t worry about any of that for now.

  • You will likely want to use a collection on Enigma:

    • Rotor rotations
    • Rotors themselves
    • I don’t know, for fun.
  • C array notation is very similar to Python set notation, but maintains order

    • You are responsible for keeping track of the length.
char carray[5] = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};
int iarray[5] = {2, 4, 8, 16, 32};
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    printf("%c %d\n", carray[i], iarray[i]);

Character arrays

  • Unlike Python, where a list of characters and a string of characters differ, in C, an array of characters and a “string” of characters are identical.
char carray[5] = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};
char string[5] = "abcde";
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("%c %c\n", carray[i], string[i]);
  • C strings are implicitly null terminated, so there is a minor difference, but that is immaterial here.
    • How would you check if a string is null terminated?

C math

Integer Division

  • In C, there are numerous integer data types, including int and char
  • All use integer division by default.
  • Test as follows:
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("%d / %d -> %d\n", i, 2, i / 2);
  • The results are clear:


  • Both C and Python have a % operator
    • In Python it is the “more mathematically correct” modulo operation
    • In C it is the less common remainder operation.
  • The differences were non-obvious and led to a pernicious bug in my enigma.c

Python %

  • First, test Python
[print(f"{i:2d} % 3 -> {i%3:d}") for i in range(-5,5)]
  • We see the predictable result.

C %

  • Now, test C
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
        int i;
        for (i = -5; i != 5; i++) {
                printf("%2d %% %d -> %2d\n", i, 3, i % 3);
        return 0;
  • We see the predictable result.
  • Unlike Python, C % may generate negative results.
  • There are a number of ways to deal with that.

Pythonic % in C

printf("%2d Py%% %d -> %d\n", i, 3, ((i % 3) + 3) % 3);
  • This gives necessarily positive values.

C args


  • The reference Python contains the following snippet:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
  • This is roughly equivalent to printing the return result of the enigma function within a function called main.
  • This is close to C, but we haven’t introduced a way to use command line arguments.
  • Let’s look at a minimal Python example.


import sys
  • We use as follows:
python3 pyecho.py "hello world"
  • We can construct the same within C.


  • The Python sys module contains many features present by default in a systems programming language.
  • One such is argv, a vector (in the mathematical sense) of arguments.
    • These are command line arguments.
    • In Python a list of strings
    • In C an array of char *
    • The zeroth argument is the name of the Python script or C executable
  • There is additionally something called argc, an integer count of arguments.
    • In C this is needed to know the length of the vector
    • In Python it is redundant, but potentially useful
  • We have thus far written main with no arguments, so we also introduce how to write functions with arguments.
    • C function arguments are identical to Python function arguments
    • As with other variables, C function argument variables must be declared with a type
    • Using functions will make writing C much easier.
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        printf("%s\n", argv[1]);
        return 0;
  • You may wish to compile then try the following:
  • No arguments, which gives a segmentation fault, a type of error when you try to read something that doesn’t exist
  • One argument, which is printed.
  • Two arguments, of which one is printed.
  • Two words as a single argument using quotes.
  • You may note that Python has all the same features.



  • I am providing the following Containerfile, which will serve as a minimal autograder
    • It sets up an Alpine container.
    • It downloads a Python script to test.
    • It copies in “enigma.c” from your system.


  • I built my container via:
  • I tested my code via:
  • If the above script returns “Perfect!” you are done.
    • Create a Gist with an “enigma.c”.
    • Email me the url of your Gist, it will look something like, from your official school email:
  • I will review the most recent version prior to the due date.

Vim trick:

  • You will probably want to work in a container with vim and also test your code in the same container.
    • It is possible to create a second command line tab that is also within the container.
      • Consult podman documentation - many ways to do this.
    • I recommend using vim built-in :term command, which splits the screen into a vim editor and a vim terminal.
    • You can move between windows using ctrl+w - if it doesn’t work, Google it.

Podman trick:

  • You will probably want to create one container then work in that container until you finish.
  • podman run will create a new container each time, which is not what you probably want.
  • The following recycles the previous container, mostly.