
Lab 0x6


Goal: Public Key Encryption

Review: Newish:
- Public key encryption - RSA in C
- Fermat’s little theorm - .pem files
  • There are no required exercises of this lab.
  • It is supplementary material to the RSAinC homework.
    • This lab will generate the key \((n, e, d)\)
      • \(n\), the modular base, part of the public and private key.
      • \(e\), the encryptor, part of the public key.
      • \(d\), the decryptor, part of the private key.
  • RSAinC will additional require the usage of these to encrpyt and decrypt text.
    • RSAinC will require two .c files, the first of which is keygen.
    • I would do all my work for this lab in keygen.c in an rsainc folder.
    • For this lab, I provide an intermediate autograder, as a Python script, to support partial homework completion.
      • The script is under the “32 bit” heading.



  • For this lab, I used the following Containerfile
    • Same as the printb lab
  • Mostly, having astyle and python3 is nice.


  • There is a complete, correct, RSA implementation embedded in the Fermat slides.
    • I extracted .qmd to .ipynb and .ipynb to .py.
    • I editted lightly for readability (removed comments).
def sixkp1(k): # 6k+1
    is_prime = lambda n : any([n % i for i in range(2, int(n **.5))])
    candidate = 6 * k + 1
    while not is_prime(candidate):
        candidate += 6
    return candidate

def lcm(a, b):
    def gcd(a, b):
        while b:
            a, b = b, a % b
        return a
    return a * b // gcd(a, b)

s = "C" # a random string
m = ord(s) # to number

hide_p = lambda: sixkp1(10)
hide_q = lambda: sixkp1(15)
n = hide_p() * hide_q()

hide_λ = lambda: lcm(hide_p() - 1,  hide_q() - 1)

e = 65537 # encryptor

def find_d():
    d = 1
    while 1 != (d * e % hide_λ()):
        d += 1
    return d

def modexp(m, e, n):
    if e == 0:
        return 1
    if e == 1:
        return m % n
    if e % 2:
        return (m * modexp(m*m % n, e//2, n)) % n
    return  modexp(m*m % n, e//2, n) % n

c = modexp(m, e, n) # ciphertext

chr(modexp(modexp(ord("C"), e, n), find_d(), n))
  • I did not show this in class, but it’s probably easier to think of as follows:
# make_encrypt takes an 
# * encryptor e and 
# * modular base n and 
# returns a function the performs public key encryption.

make_encrypt = lambda e, n : lambda m : modexp(m,e,n)

encrypt = make_encrypt(e,n)
decrypt = make_encrypt(find_d(),n)

  • There’s no graceful (or even ungraceful) way to retuun functions in C, but I thought this was really cool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6k + 1 

  • Implement primality generation in C.
  • You may use any method but I recommend \(6k + 1\)
def sixkp1(k): # 6k+1
    is_prime = lambda n : any([n % i for i in range(2, int(n **.5))])
    candidate = 6 * k + 1
    while not is_prime(candidate):
        candidate += 6
    return candidate
  • For BigRSA, you will primality testing for the 4096_t.
  • Likewise, for BigRSA, you will need fairly narrow bounds on precision, or how many bits your primes take up.
  • That said, for now the following should be sufficient:
uint64_t sixkp1(uint64_t k) {
  /* Your code here (and update the return statement)  */
  return 6 * k + 1;
Advanced Primality Testing
  • Advanced students may wish to implement sieves but should not do so unless they achieve a memory safe implementation, likely utilizing (enormous) buffers for the file system.
  • Advanced students may with to implement Pocklington-Lehmer primality testing, for which I am not familiar with memory usage.
    • Fermat primality testing is a component of Pocklington-Lehmer, a fun callback to lecture.
  • A student implementing either will be invited to deliver a guest lecture on their implementation in a future class session or other venue.


  • Implement lcm - least common multiple - calculation in C.
  • As with \(6k+1\), I will make a non-binding to calculate the gcd - greatest common denominator - as your method.
def lcm(a, b):
    def gcd(a, b):
        while b:
            a, b = b, a % b
        return a
    return a * b // gcd(a, b)
  • For BigRSA, this operation will require considerably optimizations related to the “Extended Euclidean Algorithm”.
  • Note that inner functions are non-standard C and not permitted in C89.
  • That said, for now the following should be sufficient:
uint64_t gcd(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
  /* Your code here (and update the return statement)  */
  return 1;

uint64_t lcm(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
  /* Your code here (and update the return statement)  */
  return a * b;
Optimizations and Assertions
  • Advanced students may wish to apply a series of tests, perhaps as assert statements, to monitor overflow during this calculation.
    • We note that the lcm can be larger than two values that are implicitly only bounded by the 64 bit size.
    • How should we manage this?
    • \(\exists\) proofs of correctness, given starting assumptions.
  • Advanced students may wish to implement the extended Euclidean algorithm without using signed integers, which I found to be non-trivial but not impossibly difficult.


A Key in 3 Parts

  • We recall that the private key minimally contains:
    • n, a modular base
    • e, an encryptor, and
    • d, a descryptor.
  • Based on the KeyGen lab, it should be uncomplicated to calculate these values for 64 bit keys.
  • We will use .bad instead of .pem and insecurely store these values in plaintext.
  • We will then make executables to generate .bad and encrypt content provided a .bad
    • We name a .bad so helpfully we don’t use it by accident.
  • We will naively print 3 lines of hexademical values, n, e, then d.
  • We will write them to a 5-line file as follows:
    • The first line is the precise header text.
    • The second line is the n value in hexadecimal.
    • The third line is the e value, which is 10001.
    • The fourth line is the d value, which should be kept secret.
    • The fifth and final line is the precise footer text.
  • This format is based on the .pem format
    • For privacy enhanced email.
    • Used to store keys generated by ssh-keygen.
    • It does not split up n, e, and d
    • More on it latter.
  • For reference This is a 1024 bit key made by ssh-keygen -b 1024
    • This 1024 bit key is too small to be regarded secure.
    • So our 32 bit keys are far too small to be regarded secure.
    • And separating components may be regarded as less secure.


A Key in 2 Parts

  • We recall that the public key contains, and should only contain:
    • n, a modular base, and
    • e, an encryptor
  • Based on the KeyGen lab, it should be uncomplicated to calculate these values for 64 bit keys.
  • We will use .pub instead of .pem or .bad
    • Not a huge deal how these are stored, actually.
    • The key itself though, is still unsafe to use.
  • We will naively print 2 lines of hexademical values, n, then e.
  • We will right them to a file prefixed and suffixed as follows:
  • Update your keygen.c such that each time it runs it:
    • Generates a new unsafe.bad
    • Generates a new
    • That the n and e value in each of these agree.
    • The the n, e, and d value may be used to encrypt and decrypt a letter.

32 bit 

  • The largest keys we can naively fit in the uint64_t type at 32 bit keys.
    • Why? Well:
      • We do all operations modulo n
      • We must be able to multiple numbers as large as n together.
      • The product of two numbers requires as many bits to store as the both factors.
      • So we must cap intermediate result at 32 bits by capping n at 32 bits.
  • We get 32 bit n by generating 16 bit primes.
    • Why? Well:
      • n is the product of the primes.
      • The product of two 16 bit numbers is a 32 bit number.
  • We get 16 bit primes by finding primes less than 2 ** 16 and more than 2 ** 15.
    • This is easy to write in hex as 0x8000 and 0x10000.
  • Ensure your keys are 32 bit.
    • Simply encrypt values up to 1 << 31 in size.
  • Here is a testing script:
def modexp(m, e, n):
    if e == 0:
        return 1
    if e == 1:
        return m % n
    if e % 2:
        return (m * modexp(m*m % n, e//2, n)) % n
    return  modexp(m*m % n, e//2, n) % n

make_encrypt = lambda e, n : lambda m : modexp(m,e,n)

lines = open("unsafe.bad").readlines()
n = int(lines[1], 16) 
e = int(lines[2], 16) 
d = int(lines[3], 16) 

lines = open("").readlines()
if n != int(lines[1], 16) or e != int(lines[2], 16):
    print("Public key does not match private key.")

encrypt = make_encrypt(e,n)
decrypt = make_encrypt(d,n)

if all([i == decrypt(encrypt(i)) for i in range(0x100)]):
    print("Keys work for small values.")
    print("Keys failed on small values.")

if all([i == decrypt(encrypt(i)) for i in range(0,1 << 31, 1 << 29)]):
    print("Keys work for larger values.")
    print("Keys failed on larger values.")

By successfully encrypting and decrypting up to 1 << 31, the key is large enough for some small tasks, such encrypting the string “hi” - a string of length 3 when including the null terminator, which therefore contains 24 bits of information.

Python Reference solution

  • This reference solution is logically correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • It is not intended for readability.
import random

def find_large_prime():
    is_prime = lambda n : all([n % i for i in range(2, int(n **.5))])
    candidate = 6 * random.randint(5460,10000) + 1
    while not is_prime(candidate):
        candidate += 6
    return candidate

def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return (b, 0, 1)
        g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
        return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)
lcm = lambda a, b: a * b // egcd(a, b)[0]
p, q = find_large_prime(), find_large_prime()
n = p * q
e = 65537
lmdb = lcm(p - 1,  q - 1)
d = egcd(e, lmdb)[1]
while d < 0: # fix sign problem
    d += lcm(p - 1,  q - 1)
hd = "-----BEGIN"
ft = "-----END"
tl = " UNSAFE PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
open("unsafe.bad", "w").write(f"{hd}{tl}{n:x}\n{e:x}\n{d:x}\n{ft}{tl}")
tl = " UNSAFE PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
open("", "w").write(f"{hd}{tl}{n:x}\n{e:x}\n{ft}{tl}")