
Week 0x3

Prof. Calvin



  • Welcome to variously CS 276/CS 540
  • Action Items:
    • How was Macros?
    • Next homework coming out now - SHAinC


  • SHA256
    • Why?
    • What?
    • How?

Slide Credit

  • Saravanan Vijayakumaran
  • Department of Electrical Engineering
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


Hash Functions

  • Methods for deterministically compress a long input string to a shorter output called a digest
    • Also called “signature”
    • Can hash anything stored in computer
  • These are also called “compression” or “one-way” hash functions.

Hash Merits

  • Primary requirement is that it should be infeasible to find collisions,
    • i.e. no two inputs have same digest.
    • If I download Ubuntu and check the signature, I should know it’s Ubuntu.
    • If Ubuntu and a malware package have the same signature, useless.


print("\n".join([f"{hash(a):+d}" for a in "ABCDE"]))


  • Let \(M\) be the size of some hash table
  • Take \(a \in \mathbb{N} : a < M \land \gcd(a, M) = 1\)
    • That is, two positive coprime integers.
  • Any integer value \(x\) can be mapped into \(\mathbb{N}/(M) = \{0,1,\ldots, M-1\}\)
h_a(x) = a x \pmod{M}

\[ h_a(x) = a x \pmod{M} \]

  • We can express in a programming language.
  • We note that 257 == 0x101 is prime.
    • And therefore \(\forall M : \gcd(257,M) = 1\)
import math
h = lambda x, a, M : (a * x) % M
a, M = 0x05, 1 << 0x08
assert(all((not math.gcd(a, M) == 1) or h(x, a, M) in range(M) for x in range(M)))
print('h'+str((0xDA7A,a,M)), '=', h(0xDA7A,a,M))
h(55930, 5, 256) = 98


  • We note a high performance special case.
  • Let \(w\) be the bit size used to store numbers
    • Likely 32 == 0x20 for C unsigned
    • \(W\) stands for word size
  • Take \(W = 2^w\) and \(M = 2^m\)
unsigned int h(unsigned int x, unsigned int a, unsigned int m) {
    return (a * x) >> (sizeof(unsigned int) * 0x10 - m); 


  • A collision occurs if \[ \exists x, x' : x \neq x' \land h(x) = h(x') \]
  • That is, this assertion fails:
x_0, x_1 = 1,2
assert(((x_0 != x_1) and (h(x_0, a, M) == h(x_1, a, M))))
  • Goal: minimize:non-crypto::avoid:crypto collisions.
    • Achieve this via a large codomain for \(h\)


“In mathematics, a codomain or set of destination of a function is a set into which all of the output of the function is constrained to fall. It is the set \(Y\) in the notation \(f: X → Y\). The term range is sometimes ambiguously used to refer to either the codomain or the image of a function.”

Test it:

h = lambda x, a, M : (a * x) % M
a, M = 0x05, 1 << 0x08
assert(set(h(x, a, M) for x in range(M)) == set(range(M)))
  • As a rule we shouldn’t try to write proofs/definitions in Python, but…
  • Small \(M = 2^{0x08} = 256\) means our computer can handle all possibilities.




  • Begin with SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2).
  • Published by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001.


  • SHA-1, released in 1995, found to have significant vulnerabilities.
  • Growing concerns about the security of SHA-1 led to the development of SHA-2.
    • SHA-3 released in 2015, not in wide use.
    • For if weakness in SHA-2 discovered.
    • SHA-2 regarded as secure in 2025.


  • Six hash functions release August 2001:
    • SHA-224
    • SHA-256
    • SHA-384
    • SHA-512
    • SHA-512/224
    • SHA-512/256

Adoption and Usage

  • SHA-2 has been widely adopted in
    • Digital signatures
    • Certificate validation
    • File integrity verification.
    • Blockchain:
      • 1 of ~2 core technologies of Bitcoin
      • SHA-256 specifically

SHA-2 Pledge

  • I need a verbal confirmation:
    • Even though we will implement cryptography…
    • We assume their insecurity as we learn to:
      • Test our code
      • Write proofs
      • Use compilers
    • We don’t know what side channel attacks are.
      • I say: out-of-scope.

SHA-256 Overview

  • SHA-2 with a 256-bit output length
  • Accepts bit strings of length up to \(2^{64} - 1\)
    • ~20 quintillion bits
    • ~17 million terabytes


Two Stages

  • Output calculation has two stages:
    1. Preprocessing
    2. Hash Computation


  • A 256-bit state variable \(H^{(0)}\) is initialized:

\[\begin{align*} \begin{split} H_0^{(0)} = \texttt{0x6A09E667}, \quad H_1^{(0)} = \texttt{0xBB67AE85},\\ H_2^{(0)} = \texttt{0x3C6EF372}, \quad H_3^{(0)} = \texttt{0xA54FF53A},\\ H_4^{(0)} = \texttt{0x510E527F}, \quad H_5^{(0)} = \texttt{0x9B05688C},\\ H_6^{(0)} = \texttt{0x1F83D9AB}, \quad H_7^{(0)} = \texttt{0x5BE0CD19}. \end{split} \end{align*}\]

  • “Fractional parts of square roots of first primes”

Input Padding

  • The input \(M\) is padded to a length that is a multiple of 512.

  • Let \(M\) be \(l\)-bits long.

  • Find the smallest non-negative \(k\) such that: \[ k + l + 65 \equiv 0 \pmod{512} \]

Padding Content

  • Append \(k + 65\) bits to \(M\):
    • A single one (1), followed by
    • \(k\) zeros (0), followed by
    • The 64-bit representation of \(l\). \[ \begin{align*} 1\underbrace{000 \cdots 000}_{k \textrm{ zeros}}\underbrace{l}_{\textrm{ 64 bits}} \\ \end{align*} \]

  • We can solve numerically in Python, but…
  • Perhaps easier to show with strings.
M = "Hello there I am a message.  " * 15
l = len(M.encode('utf-8')) * 8
k = 512 - (l + 65) % 512
"l=", l, "k=", k, "pad=", "0x1" + "0" * (k//4) + f"{l:016x}" ## 64 // 4 == 16
('l=', 3480, 'k=', 39, 'pad=', '0x10000000000000000000000d98')
  • The arithmetic form is left an exercise for the interested student.
    • My solution was 10-20 characters of code.

Hash Computation

  • Padded input is split into \(N\) 512-bit blocks:
    • We note this is 1-indexed, by convention. \[ M^{(1)}, M^{(2)}, \ldots, M^{(N)} \]
  • When testing, expect to have only \(M^{(1)}\)
    • 512 is a lot of bytes to e.g. type in.
    • Test more once it works.

Hash Type

  • The hash function has the following type: \[ f: M:\{0,1\}^{512} \times H:\{0,1\}^{256} \rightarrow H':\{0,1\}^{256} \]
  • Given \(H^{(i-1)}\), calculate \(H^{(i)}\) using: \[ H^{(i)} = f(M^{(i)}, H^{(i-1)}), \quad 1 \leq i \leq N. \]
    • 1-indexed


  • We specify bitwise operations over exactly 32 bit words.
  • The industry standard is to use stdint
#include <stdint.h>

/* uint32_t is "unsigned integer of size 32 type" */
uint32_t rotate(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
    asm("rorl %%cl, %0" : "+r" (a) : "c" (b));
    return a;


  • Bitwise logical operations
    • Unary,
    • Binary, and
    • Ternary, and
  • Shift/rotate operations
    • Simple, and
    • Composite


  • Bitwise logical operations accept 1, 2, or 3 words of size 32 (uint32_t) and produce one word.
    • Term these words \(U\), \(V\), \(W\)
  • Shift/rotate operations additionally accept one natural number \(n\) < 32.
    • Term this \(n\)

Unary Bitwise

  • There is only one:
  • ‘bitwise complement’/‘bitwise logical not’: \[ \lnot U \]
  • Expressible with uint32_t in C:
/* 32 bit bitwise complement, exact */
uint32_t complement(uint32_t u) {
    return ~u;

Binary Bitwise

  • \(U \land V\), \(U \lor V\), \(U \oplus V\): AND, OR, XOR
  • As from printb/macros.
uint32_t and(uint32_t u, uint32_t v) { /* bitwise and */
    return u & v;

uint32_t ior(uint32_t u, uint32_t v) { /* inclusive or */
    return u | v;

uint32_t xor(uint32_t u, uint32_t v) { /* exclusive or */
    return u ^ v;


  • C addition is a binary bitwise operation:
  • Equivalent to integer sum module \(2^{32}\)
from ctypes import c_uint ## this won't work in pypy
def addition(u:c_uint, v:c_uint) -> c_uint:
    return c_uint(u + v)

addition(4000000000, 4000000000) , addition(4, 4)
(c_ulong(3705032704), c_ulong(8))
  • For me, Python coerces c_uint to c_ulong.
    • Good reason to use C

C Math

  • C addition on uint32_t is already modulo \(2^{32}\)
    • What else would it be?
    • Finite number of bits means finite values.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
    uint32_t u = 4000000000;
    printf("%u + %u = %u\n", u, u, u+u);
    u = 4;
    printf("%u + %u = %u\n", u, u, u+u);
    return 0;

C Math

  • We get the same values as the Python c_uint
  • Python is written in C:

Ternary Bitwise

  • CHOICE and MEDIAN, expressed logically: \[ \text{CHOICE}(U, V, W) = (U \land V) \oplus (\lnot U \land W) \] \[ \text{MEDIAN}(U, V, W) = (U \land V) \oplus (U \land W) \oplus (V \land W) \]
  • There exist numerous formulations of median.


  • Compared to bitwise, they:
    • Still work on a 32 bit word, but
    • Also work on a value \(n : 0 \leq n \leq 31\)
    • Or,
    assert(n in range(32))

Simple Shift/Rotate

  • Bitwise shift right >> / x86 shrl \[ \textsf{SHR}^n(U) = \underbrace{000 \cdots 000}_{n \textrm{ zeros}} u_0 u_1 \cdots u_{30-n} u_{31-n} \]
  • The ROTATE macro / x86 rorl \[ \textsf{ROTR}^n(U) = \underbrace{u_{32-n} u_{33-n} \cdots u_{30} u_{31}}_{n \textrm{ bits}} u_0 u_1 \cdots u_{30-n} u_{31-n} \]


  • While not required…
  • …easier to understand SHA256 with composites: \[ \begin{align*} \Sigma_0(U)&= \textsf{ROTR}^{02}(U) \oplus \textsf{ROTR}^{13}(U) \oplus \textsf{ROTR}^{22}(U) \\ \Sigma_1(U)&= \textsf{ROTR}^{06}(U) \oplus \textsf{ROTR}^{11}(U) \oplus \textsf{ROTR}^{25}(U) \\ \sigma_0(U)&= \textsf{ROTR}^{07}(U) \oplus \textsf{ROTR}^{18}(U) \oplus \textsf{SHR}^{03}(U) \\ \sigma_1(U)&= \textsf{ROTR}^{17}(U) \oplus \textsf{ROTR}^{19}(U) \oplus \textsf{SHR}^{10}(U) \end{align*} \]
  • Macros and helper functions both work well here.

Hash Computation

  • 4 steps for each 512 bit chunk.
  • First chunk, also use pre-computed \(H\) values.
    • Called, say “initial hash values”
    • Successive chunks use previous chunk’s hash
  • All chunks share pre-computed \(K\) values.
    • Called, say “round contants”
    • “Fractional parts of cube roots of first primes”


  1. Preprocess
  2. Set Message Schedule Array
    • 64 word array
  3. Set Working Variables
    • 8 word sized variables
  4. Main Loop
    • Word level operations
  5. Update hash value

1. Set Message Schedule Array

  • \(M^{(i)}_j\) is the \(j\)-th 0-indexed 32 bit word of the \(i\)-th 1-indexed 512 bit chunk of message \(M\)
    • A word is 4 letters
    • A chunk is short tweet (64 chars)
    • \(M\) can be, e.g., Linux, the Iliad

\[ W_j = \begin{cases} M^{(i)}_j & 0 \leq j \leq 15 \\ \sigma_1(W_{j-2}) + W_{j-7} + \sigma_0(W_{j-15}) + W_{j-16} & 16 \leq j \leq 63 \end{cases} \]

2. Set Working Variables

  • Initialize eight 32-bit words based on the prior hash. \[ (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) = (H^{(i-1)}_0, \ldots, H^{(i-1)}_7). \]

3. Main Loop

  • Iterate \(j = 0\) to \(63\):
for j in range(64):
  • Precompute two temporary values (or not) \[ \begin{align} \begin{split} & T_1 = H + \Sigma_1(E) + \textsf{CHOICE}(E,F,G) + K_j + W_j \\ & T_2 = \Sigma_0(A) + \textsf{MEDIAN}(A,B,C) \\ \end{split} \end{align} \]
  • Update the working variables \[ (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) = (T_1+T_2, A, B, C, D+T_1, E, F, G) \]

4. Update hash value

  • Conclude the work on \(M^{(i)}\) by finding \(H^{(i)}\)

\[ H^{(i)}_j = A + H^{(i-1)}_j, \quad j = 0, \ldots, 7 \]
