My SSN is 123 45 6789 (this is true)
ssn = '123456789'
Usually we break into "chunks"
ssn = [ssn[:3], ssn[3:5], ssn[5:]]
What is the first (zeroth) digit of the second (oneth) chunk?
It was
I'll term this style of thinking "synthesis".
I think we can all agree this looks bad:
[ssn[:3], ssn[3:5], ssn[5:]][1][0]
But it is understandable to a thinking machine
We may wish instead to say:
If I split my ssn into chunks...
of size 3, 2, and 4...
and inspect the second/oneth chunk...
and of that chunk inspect the first/zeroth piece...
That is the first letter of the second chunk of my ssn.
This style of speaking is uncommon verbally, but is quite common when trying to understand
What is the x of the y of the z
What is the free throw percentage of the point guard of the division champion team
What are the units of the energy E of E = mc2
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Question #1
What did you learn about the aims of university education in week one?
Think about a possible answer on your own
Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
Record a summary of each group’s discussion
Question #2
How do you differentiate styles of thinking used in high school class and college classes?
Think about a possible answer on your own
Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
Record a summary of each group’s discussion
Question #3
What is the most challenging thinking technique you have used in your life so far?
Think about a possible answer on your own
Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
Record a summary of each group’s discussion
Python for Data Science
One way we can model synthesis is by combining Python techniques with themselves or with each other.
Moving beyond our intro to Python, we begin chapter B: Data Science...
Exercise B.1 Write a function prints all the pairs of a list.
Consider the following:
conts = ['Africa', 'Americas', 'Antarctica', 'Eurasia', 'Oceania']
How can we use list comprehension(s):
[<something> for c in conts]
To create pairs.
Should we use a lambda expression, like the famous expression "cons":
cons = lambda x, y : [x, y]
Should we use lambda expressions within lambdas, like this technique for list reversal:
rev = lambda x : [e for e in x[::-1]]
It is okay if these look confusion - just explore them!
Question #4
What do you do when given a hard problem?
Think about a possible answer on your own
Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
Record a summary of each group’s discussion
Homework 3 Electoral Votes
Using multiple line strings, the new .split() method, and what you know about indices, write code that takes the information from and creates a list of states and their number of electoral votes.
This is a special list that will help us latter.
You may need many lines of code or many cells.
Whatever you submit you should test using "run all" or "ctrl+F9" to make sure that when I run your code, or when you run the code in the future, that it does what you expect.
You may make a copy of this Notebook and share it with me and anyone with whom you collaborate.
Give Shouvik and I edit permissions.
Due Fri @ 12 Noon (so we're able to discuss it in class)
You may only give your peers view or comment permissions.
It is more important to try things that interest you than to complete the assignment.