Art Week 1


  • Welcome to IDS-101-13: Thinking Machines!
  • We learned a wee bit of .md.
  • We learned a smidgen of html
  • Time for a tad of CSS.
    • Calvin's Stylin' Sheets
    • Also called, Cascading Style Sheets
  • CSS is a way to make HTML pretty.
  • Or just to make pretty, in general.

Citation Needed

  • I am hopelessly derivative.
  • Today's lecture by Yosra Emad.
  • Here is the original

Our goal

  • Cute ghost.


  • Sketching
    • Basic Sketch
    • Splitting the sketch into layers
  • Code
    • HTML
    • Positioning
    • Responsiveness
    • CSS


  • I'd usually pop open good ole paint here.
  • Love me some paint.
  • Shout out paint.
  • Paint and I go way back.
  • Oh look a whiteboard.

Splitting your Sketch into layers

  • I happened to yolo this lil spooker in a few stages
  • Those stages are layers.
  • Like in a terrestrial planet, or a particulary good meme.
  • I named by layers: self, peepers, snoot, wagglers, and feets. I missed the sides. Whoops.

The Yorsa Method

  • Planning how your HTML div tags will be structured to fit your needs for this CSS art.
  • The root div is called "canva"
  • A "circle" layer behind the main CSS art to make it pop.
  • Any two layers that are next to each other (not stacked on top of each other)
    • Separate them by adding each one in its own "bubble"
      • Look at self and feets; they are next to each other; they don't overlap.)
  • If something is too simple to have its own layer, don't name it.
    • See the peepers layer, there is a pupil inside the peepers that isn't considered separately.


  • Layers are <div>'s
  • "div" is just what web designers use for everything, possible for a reason (I bet the reason is "because").
  • Like lists or lambdas, we can put divs inside of other divs.
  • Here's what it looks like:
  • "self" and "feets" are adjacent (equally indented).
  • "self" and "feets" are on top of "circle", the background.



  • To make good CSS art, you must understand positioning very well.
  • The rule in CSS art is simple.
  • We will use a variety of tactics in CSS to position our feets and wagglers in appropriately cute locales.

Step One: *

  • * refers to everything.
  • We want all our HTML art to have no margins or stretching
  • To do just what we write down (it's easier)
  • This isn't necessarily true by default, so we do: * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
  • This is called a "rule", and now all HTML things will have no margins.
  • Easy is good thumbs emoji.


  • We make the "slate" we draw on, the canvas, named "canva"
  • We pick a background color.
  • We make 100% of the size of the window height and width.
  • I don't know what flex does, it's confusing.
  • We center everything, and make positioning relative to this div.
  • The . before canva means "this is somethings name"
.canva { background: #f7f5ff; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; position: relative; }


  • (in a Lil Nas X voice) we got a circle in the back
  • 70% of the SMALLER of the height and width
  • Some other color idk change it I won't stop you.
  • I don't know what flex does, it's confusing.
  • We center everything, and make positioning relative to this div.
.circle { width: 70vmin; height: 70vmin; background: #e8e0ff; border-radius: 50%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; }


  • The ghost gets an outline
  • 30% of the SMALLER of the height and width
  • "border-radius" curves the outside, to make a smooth lil spooker
  • Then there's no bottom border (will be feets there) and a color
.ghost { position: relative; border: 0.5vmin solid black; width: 30vmin; height: 30vmin; border-top-left-radius: 50%; border-top-right-radius: 50%; border-bottom: 0; box-sizing: border-box; background: #FFDCDF; }


  • For example, here it is without border-radius
.ghost { position: relative; border: 0.5vmin solid black; width: 30vmin; height: 30vmin; border-bottom: 0; box-sizing: border-box; background: #FFDCDF; }


  • We have both feets, the collection of feet, and the individual feet, the divs inside of feets.
  • "Every feet is a member of the collective feets"
  • Feets are just as wide (30%) as the ghost
  • And then individual feet are 1/4 of that width
  • They have the same outline as ghost, and are rounded - but on the bottom.
  • Recall there are 4 feet inside feets - so we'll see 4 rounded bottoms.
.feets { display: flex; width: 30vmin; } .feets div { width: 7.5vmin; height: 6vmin; border: 0.5vmin solid black; border-bottom-left-radius: 50%; border-bottom-right-radius: 50%; border-top: 0; background: #FFDCDF; }


  • The peepers are just two circles at a certain location.
  • They are divs with a border radius (round)
  • They are 5% tall and dark in color.
  • We place them at an offset from the top and left.
.peepers { position: absolute; width: 5vmin; height: 5vmin; background: #000; border-radius: 50%; top: 13vmin; left: 5vmin; box-shadow: 14vmin 0; }


  • Here we use the advanced technique (I learned it just).
  • Before - this allows us to apply two styles to one thing.
  • (There is also after, if we need).
  • We add no text - the content.
  • We keep everything in the same place, but add whites to the eyes
  • The whites are half the size of the full eye (2.5%)
  • They're in a fixed position - you can play around with that.
.peepers:before{ content: ""; position: absolute; background: white; width: 2.5vmin; height: 2.5vmin; border-radius: 50%; left: 2vmin; box-shadow: 14vmin 0 white; }


  • The snoot, also known as the booplesnoot, is an inverted half circle outline.
  • We make something of size 4% by 2%
  • We give it a black outline.
  • We curve it by 4% - otherwise we get smooshed circle (loud booing)
.snoot { position: absolute; width: 4vmin; height: 2vmin; border: 0.7vmin solid black; border-bottom-left-radius: 4vmin; border-bottom-right-radius: 4vmin; border-top: 0; top: 16vmin; left: 12vmin; }


  • For a bit of personality, I add wagglers: things that waggle
  • I'm a known finger waggler, so these are hands I guess.
  • Wagglers are like snoots but longer
.left-waggler, .right-waggler { position: absolute; width: 4vmin; height: 4vmin; border: 0.5vmin solid black; border-bottom-left-radius: 50%; border-bottom-right-radius: 50%; border-top: 0; }


  • Critically the left and right wagglers are in different locations
  • We turn them both inwards 45 degrees
  • We place them in fixed positions on the screen -
  • Both are 22% of the way down, but are either 6% or 18% "over" from the left
.left-waggler { top: 22vmin; left: 6vmin; transform: rotate(-45deg) } .right-waggler{ top: 22vmin; left: 18vmin; transform: rotate(45deg) }


  • Well I had a blast, I got to:
    • Place fun shapes on a screen
    • Use pretty colors
    • Use words to describe what each feature is called.
    • Be precise and iterative - I can make no mistakes!
    • Following along with someone else's artist process.

Big thank you to Yosra!


  • We're going to a musuem.
  • Be ready for visual critique.
  • Be ready to have fun.