
Opening Days 3


  • Welcome to IDS-101-13: Thinking Machines!
  • Opening Days: Day 3... Do you know where to procure?
    • Over-the-counter medication
    • Prescription medication
    • A COVID vaccine
    • Specialty foods, like electrolyte or meal-replacers
  • How did the Pythagorean Triples homework go?
    • Some parts were intended to be obnoxious.
    • I hope you were rigorous around
      • Text formatting
      • Recording your thoughts
      • Collaborating
    • Mostly because it's good practice.
  • Today's lecture loosely adapted from here but in a nonobvious way so maybe stay away from that link for now.


  • This semester we will use Python
  • Python is a language, but a novel kind of language.
    • Python is free,
    • Python is very widely used,
    • Python is flexible,
    • Python is relatively easy to learn,
    • and Python is quite powerful.
  • It may be the case that Python can be thought of as the language in which a machine may think.
    • Deliberately weak claim.


  • Let's review the homework
    • If I were you I would:
      • Leave my original homework unaltered.
      • Append anything you learn today to the end.
      • Thereby preserve a record you can look back on.
    • Some elements of the homework were "deliberately annoying"
      • We want to introduce "problems" or even just annoyances before we introduce their solutions.
      • This is supported by some educational literature - you'll just have to let me know what you think.


  • Homework 1 Pythagorean Triples
    • Write code to define positive integers a, b, and c of your own choosing.
    • A few solutions.
      • Multi-line, multi-cell.
        • Create 3 "Code" blocks.
        • Assign one variable in each. a = 3
          b = 4
          c = 5
        • A good way to make quick changes to individual variables.
        • Cell structure is more complicated.


  • Homework 1 Pythagorean Triples
    • Write code to define positive integers a, b, and c of your own choosing.
    • A few solutions.
      • Multi-line, single-cell.
        • Create 1 "Code" block.
        • Make three lines, one variable in each. a = 3 b = 4 c = 5
        • A good way to use fewer cells.
        • Individual cells are more complex.
        • This is the Gemini (AI) solution.


  • Homework 1 Pythagorean Triples
    • Write code to define positive integers a, b, and c of your own choosing.
    • A few solutions.
      • Single-line
        • I haven't shown you this, but I when dealing with a "triple" I like to assign it all at once.
        • I use commas to assign 3 variable names to 3 values. a, b, c = 3, 4, 5
        • I was able to get Gemini to do this with the following prompt: Write code to define positive integers a, b, and c of your own choosing in a single line
        • This line is harder to read and weirder to edit, but
        • There are many fewer lines.

Be sure to introduce yourselves!

Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4

Question #1

How do you decide how to express yourself in a constructed language?
  • Think about a possible answer on your own
  • Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
  • Record a summary of each group’s discussion

If your initial answer is e.g. "I just do the first thing I think of" or "I just follow a guide" - dig deeper.

Why is that the first thing you think of?

How do you choose a guide?

How do you decide what prompt to give an AI?


  • Homework 1 Pythagorean Triples
    • Calculate a2, b2, and c2
    • As with picking values, a few options:
      • Multi-cell
      • Multi-line / single-cell
      • Single-line
    • But an addition wrinkle: a2 is not meaningful Python
      • This is an example of something that exists in a natural language but not a constructed langage.
      • Python, and many other programming languages, often lack to notion of "superscripts" or raised text.
      • Natural languages, which may have initially been written by hand on paper, can easily accomodate these features.


  • Homework 1 Pythagorean Triples
      • a2 is not meaningful Python
      • So what do we do?
      • "Squaring" can be thought of, in my mind, in two ways.
        • Multiply: I square some value by multipling that value by itself. a_squared = a * a
        • Exponentiation: I square some value by raising it to the second power. a_squared = a ** 2
        • I should also verify: a ** 2 == a * a


  • Homework 1 Pythagorean Triples
      • a2 is not meaningful Python
      • So what do we do?
      • "Squaring" can be thought of, in my mind, in two ways.
      • I gravitate toward multiplication.
        • In my mind: multiplication is easier that exponentiation, so I'll use that.
      • So I could write, perhaps: a_2, b_2, c_2 = a*a, b*b, c*c
      • Gemini did something quite different (for me): # prompt: Calculate a2, b2, and c2 a2 = a**2 b2 = b**2 c2 = c**2

Question #2

What are some reasons humans and machines may choose different ways to solve the same problems?
  • Think about a possible answer on your own
  • Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
  • Record a summary of each group’s discussion

Did you use the same or different solutions than a machine might?


  • Homework 1 Pythagorean Triples
      • Check to see if your three values form a Pythagorean Triple such that a2 + b2 = c2.
      • Have Python print True or False to verify that you do, or do not, have a Pythagorean Triple defined.
      • Hint: You will need to use double and single equals as well as print()
        • We use double equals to determine the true/false value of the equality. a_2 + b_2 = c_2
        • We can use single equals again to assign the result to a variable. is_triple = a_2 + b_2 = c_2
        • We can use print() to "print" to true/false print(is_triple)
        • We could, of course, do everything in a single line print(a*a + b*b = c*c)
      • I asked for print make an important point: is_triple == print(is_triple) # this is "False"
        • Printing true/false and determining true/false are different things - it's good to keep this in mind.

Question #3

Reflect on what you learned about
  • Python
  • Thinking
  • Language, and
  • Machines
  • Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
  • Record a summary of each group’s discussion

Fake Functions

  • Suppose we wish to check more than one triple.
    • We could, for example, have two Code cells:
    • In the first, we assign variables: a, b, c = 3, 4, 5
    • In the second, we print: print(a*a + b*b == c*c)
    • Then it is simply a matter of changing the variables and "running" two cells.
  • Essentially, we have created a way to take three numbers and return a true/false value.
  • We term this idea a function.


  • Python contains the "lambda" keyword to make functions:
  • Let's see it in action.
  • It looks like this: triple_check = lambda a, b, c: print(a*a + b*b == c*c)
  • Now: explore how functions work and can be used.


  • Exercise A.5 One or two equal signs.
  • Select any two integers and assign them to any two variable names, such as "x" or "y"
    • It will help latter if the first value is much larger than the second, but you can always change latter.
  • Calculate the integer "quotient" (the result of integer divison) and remainder of the two values
    • What operations should you use?
    • Store the result of each in a variable, for latter
  • Use "double equals" to check if
    • the smaller value (say, y)
    • times the quotient (say, q)
    • plus the remainder (say, r)
    • is equal to the larger value (say, x)

For Today:

  • Exercise A.6 A novel function.
    • Write a function that, given two numbers, say "a", "b", prints "True" if:
      • the second value (say, y)
      • times the quotient of the two values
      • plus the modulo of the two values
      • is equal to the first of the two values (say, x)
    • And prints "False" otherwise.

Question #4

What are some ways you think or act that feel like functions?
  • Think about a possible answer on your own
  • Discuss your answers with the rest of the group
  • Record a summary of each group’s discussion

In your group, you may also wish to discuss how you feel about functions, Python, Opening Days, etc. Feel free to do so!

No Homework

  • Be ready to begin the first week of your other classes!