Calvin (Deutschbein)
1 February 2023
Which of the following is an adposition?
Can you tell that the word "that" has a given tag in this phrase?
What does that refer to or modify?
Do you think that the technique that nests "that" clauses that elaborate that which earlier phrases refer to increases clarity?
Why are we like this?
Which of the following is not a default HTML element?
What is the atomic unit of well-formed HTML5?
SCENE: 30 January, 2023
It has been brought to my attention... that "has" and "been" are helper verbs!
We have different types of verbs, but they share syntactic tags, what to do?
These modifiers describe attributes of their verb, a syntactic tag.
*TML allows us to differentiate tags with a language feature called "attributes".
A verb phrase must contain a full verb, so we can leave it unlabelled within the vrb element.
Here are some common attributes:
Naively include an image using the void img
tag with a src

Of course, there are many limitations to this approach.
An image I use in my research is the "Table of x86 Registers" from Wikimedia.

This image is, to me, difficulty to see on darker backgrounds.

This image isn't fitting too well on the slide - I should size it with width

This image is inaccessible should I should add alt-text.

I may wish to provide mouseover text.

I may wish to enclose this image in some other element, such as the div
element for HTML divisions.

I may wish to align to the left within the division.

Attributes allow us to change how elements are rendered.

We now know enough to view it: The most perfect form.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Sample page</title>
<h1>Sample page</h1>
<p>This is a <a href="demo.html">simple</a> sample.</p>
<!-- this is a comment -->
Well-formed HTML is prepended with a DOCTYPE specifier.
<!DOCTYPE html>
You should add this to your page, if it is not present.
Well-formed HTML is enclosed within an html
Well-formed HTML in a specific target language should specify that language using the lang
<html lang="en"><html>
You should add this to your page, if it is not present.
Well-formed HTML webpages have a head
element that provides useful information, like the title of the page.
<title>Sample page</title>
This is webpage element and is distinct from the content headers like h1
You should add this to your page, if it is not present.
Well-formed HTML webpages enclose web content in a body
It is likely that your existing page, if minimal, constitutes a well-formed body...
...and if so, you should add this to your page.
Well-formed HTML uses a
to make hyperlinks.
<a href="demo.html">simple</a>
element is the text, or other content, that when clicked on, goes to an address.href>
attribute gives the address that corresponds to the content within the a
element.Add a link from your webpage back to your repository using a the a
Well-formed HTML is well-documented using !--
to make comments.
<!-- this is a comment -->
element is the text, or other content, that when clicked on, goes to an address.href>
attribute gives the address that corresponds to the content within the a
element.Add a link from your webpage back to your repository using a the a
HTML may also be styled, akin to the style
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Sample styled page</title>
body { background: navy; }
h1 { background: green; color: blue; font-weight: bold; }
p { background: blue; color: white; }
<h1>Sample styled page</h1>
<p>This page is just a demo.</p>
Style specification, either in an attribute or element, should be:
body { background: navy; }
h1 { background: green; color: blue; font-weight: bold; }
p { background: blue; color: white; }
Iterate on index.html to add
<a href=""></a>
<img src=""></img>
Due Wednesday, 08 February!