31 Jan 08:30 AM
CSCI 5100
About | Me |
Name: | Calvin (Deutschbein) |
Say: | (Professor) Calvin |
Pronoun: | they/them |
Office: | Discord calvin2501 |
Email: | ckdeutschbein@willamette.edu (@lagrange email Soon™) |
Website: | cd-public.github.io |
Specification mining can discover properties that can verify the secure behavior of closed-source CISC CPU designs, the temporal correctness of CPU designs, and hyperproperties for secure information flow in modules, SoCs, and CPUs.
“After some consideration, I’ve decided to move away from a traditional grading structure for this class. Rather than assign work with the intent of assessing student progress, assignments in this course will instead focus on fostering student learning. As a result, I intend to implement the following:”
What are the goals of an education in computer science?
How does a scientist learn something new?
What do you reasonably expect to remember from your courses in 20 years?
What is the value of making mistakes in the learning process?
How do we create a safe environment where risk-taking is encouraged and productive failure is valued?