Review Show
Goal: Think about C variables as bits
- My responsibility
- I will provide a reference solution in Python
- The reference will differ in the following ways:
- They will not use, as there isn’t great bit manipulation in Python without libraries.
- I will provide an example of a left rotate while the assignment requires a right rotate.
- The reference will differ in the following ways:
- I will provide an autograder Containerfile
- Following the deficiencies of the Python variant, I will also provide a “viewer”.
- I will provide sample output for the viewer.
- I will provide a reference solution in Python
- Your responsibility
- You will create a solution in C as an “macros.c” file.
- It will contain 3 macros
- a “right” rotate.
- It will contain 3 macros
- You will create a private GitHub repository named “crypto”
- I recommend creating a new repository of your own, not forking my repository.
- This makes it easier to manage a private repository.
- Up to you.
- You will create a folder in this repository named “macros”
- You will store your “macros.c” file in the “macros” folder.
- You will add me as a collaborator through the GitHub web application
- My GitHub account cd-public is attached to my @wu address.
- If you would like to fork an existing repository, use this one:
- You will create a solution in C as an “macros.c” file.
Topic Areas
Review: | Newish: |
- bits | - Macros |
- bytes | - Sizeof |
- operators |
Podman Show
- For this lab, I used the following Containerfile
- Same as lecture
- I didn’t even rename it
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt update && apt install gcc vim
- I could build with the following, but I already had it built:
podman build -t c89_99 .
- I conducted the full hw within a single container’s
podman run -it c89_99 vim macros.c
GitHub Show
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- The user will receive an email inviting them to the repository. Once they accept your invitation, they will have collaborator access to your repository.
Sketch Show
- The purpose of this homework is to write four (4) bitwise macros
- Two trenanry operations
- Choice
- Median, also called Majority
- And two rotations
- Right, which sees use, and
- Left, as an academic exercise
- Two trenanry operations
- These will see use in the next assignment, SHA256
- They are logically and historically interesting within cryptography
- There is no graceful way, to my knowledge, to describe these on bits in Python
- I will provide pseudo code over tuples of integers.
- I provide conversion functions from strings.
- I am aware of plenty non-graceful ways, but
- If you want to show me one you like send me a DM
- For this homework, you will need some form of bit printing
- If your
from lab is struggling, use%b
in debug - Just remove it before your turn in your work.
- If your
- We next introduce macros.
Macros Show
- The purpose of this homework is to write four (4) bitwise macros.
- C macros exist in the “preproprocessor”.
- Here is an example of preprocessor directive you have written already:
#include <stdio.h>
- You probably also have used a define directive
- The define directive is used to define something called a macro.
- When used to define constants, those are just macros that return a value.
- We can also define macros that accept arguments, the most famous are
- I grabbed these from OpenBSD
- They have fallen out of favor for a complicated reason.
- In general, use functions.
- We use macros to learn about them, not to learn to write them.
/* Macros for min/max. */
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
- I’d encourage you to play around a bit with these macros.
- You don’t need to fully understand before diving into choice, median, rotate.
- But a little background can help.
int x = 50;
int a = 'a';
("%d\n", MAX(x++,a++)) printf
- In general, you want to use a lot of parens in macros.
- Try some things out to try to see why.
Choice Show
- Here I provide Pythonic boolean choice and bitwise choice, and C boolean choice.
- You will need C bitwise choice.
- Choice is sometimes also referred to as the “ternary operator”
- Most famously in .js
- This is… potentially confusing.
- It is a ternary operator.
- The Python operator is non-standard and intentionally ugly. ref: choice := (e and f) xor ((not e) and g) # src: # We just tell Python the ints are bools # We just use "!=" as xor def _choice(e:bool, f:bool, g:bool) -> bool: return int(f if e else g) # return int((e and f) != ((not e) and g)) import itertools = list(itertools.product([0, 1],repeat=3)) tester print(" === Boolean Choice === ") print('_choice'+str(test), '->', _choice(*test)) for test in tester] [ = (tuple(zip(*tester))) arrays def choice(e:tuple[bool], f:tuple[bool], g:tuple[bool]) -> tuple[bool]: return tuple(_choice(_e, _f, _g) for _e, _f, _g in zip(e,f,g)) # This was ugly # print('choice'+str(arrays), '->', choice(*arrays)) # pretty print = lambda bits : "".join([str(b) for b in bits]) bitstr = lambda arrs : str(tuple(bitstr(bits) for bits in arrs)) bsstrs print(" === Bitwise Choice === ") print('choice'+bsstrs(arrays), '->', "'"+bitstr(choice(*arrays))+"'")
- You can run it yourself, but here is the output for reference.
=== Boolean Choice ===
_choice(0, 0, 0) -> 0
_choice(0, 0, 1) -> 1
_choice(0, 1, 0) -> 0
_choice(0, 1, 1) -> 1
_choice(1, 0, 0) -> 0
_choice(1, 0, 1) -> 0
_choice(1, 1, 0) -> 1
_choice(1, 1, 1) -> 1
=== Bitwise Choice === choice('00001111', '00110011', '01010101') -> '01010011'
- The following defines a macro for boolean choice.
- Though not particularly gracefully.
/* Macro for boolean choice. */
#define CHOICE(e,f,g) ((e)?(f):(g))
- Update the macro to perform bitwise choice.
- It should be a single line macro.
- It should use bitwise operators.
Median Show
- Here I provide Pythonic boolean median and bitwise median, and C boolean median.
- You will need C bitwise median.
- I will take it as given you know what a median is.
- The following code is appended to “”
macros.pyimport numpy as np def _median(e:bool, f:bool, g:bool) -> bool: return int(np.median([e,f,g])) print(" === Boolean Median === ") print('_median'+str(test), '->', _median(*test)) for test in tester] [ def median(e:tuple[bool], f:tuple[bool], g:tuple[bool]) -> tuple[bool]: return tuple(_median(_e, _f, _g) for _e, _f, _g in zip(e,f,g)) print(" === Bitwise Median === ") print('median'+bsstrs(arrays), '->', "'"+bitstr(median(*arrays))+"'")
- You can run it yourself, but here is the output for reference.
=== Boolean Median ===
_median(0, 0, 0) -> 0
_median(0, 0, 1) -> 0
_median(0, 1, 0) -> 0
_median(0, 1, 1) -> 1
_median(1, 0, 0) -> 0
_median(1, 0, 1) -> 1
_median(1, 1, 0) -> 1
_median(1, 1, 1) -> 1
=== Bitwise Median === median('00001111', '00110011', '01010101') -> '00010111'
- The following defines a macro for boolean median.
- Though not particularly gracefully.
- C
is very close to Pythonbool()
/* Macro for boolean median. */
#define MEDIAN(e,f,g) ((!!(e) + !!(f) + !!(g)) > 1)
- Update the macro to perform bitwise median.
- It should be a single line macro.
- It should use bitwise operators.
Sizeof Show
- You may have noticed something while writing
:- That not know how many bits you had was annoying.
- Not to worry, C can help us.
- A char is always exactly 8 bits
- This is also called one byte
- It is trivial to verifying this experimentally.
- Everything else is some multiple of char
- To find how many char’s big something is, use
- A char is always exactly 8 bits
- I compile with
to silence an error.sizeof
doesn’t run an integer, so we shouldn’t print with%d
- More latter.
$ cat sizeof.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
char c = 1;
int n = 2;
char s[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
printf("sizeof(c) = %d, sizeof(n) = %d, sizeof(s) = %d\n",
return 0;
$ gcc sizeof.c -w
$ ./a.out
sizeof(c) = 1, sizeof(n) = 4, sizeof(s) = 8
- To make introducing rotate easier, all examples will be on char
- Rotate is used in cryptography on things 32 bits in size.
- Usually an int is this big, but not always.
- There’s ways to manage this.
- I will test your rotate code on the
unsigned int
type, which is usually 32 bits in size.- You can assume 32, for now.
Rotate Show
- We recall cipher rotation.
[ XYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW ] # forward(-3) ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
- We understand this as:
- Take an array and,
- Take a numerical value…
- of less than the length of the array.
- Maintain all elements of the array, but
- Increase their index by the numerical value, and
- Indices greater than array length wrap around…
- Using modulo array length.
- We apply this same idea to the notion of boolean arrays.
- A unsigned int is a boolean array of some length.
- It is possible to determine these lengths.
- Here is a Python bitwise rotate on boolean arrays of size 8.
macros.pydef rotleft(a:tuple[bool], n:int) -> tuple[bool]: return a[n:] + a[:n] print(" === Bitwise Rotleft === ") = (0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1) array for n in range(len(arrays[0])+1): print('rotleft('+bitstr(array)+','+str(n)+') ->', bitstr(rotate(array,n)))
- You can run it yourself, but here is the output for reference.
=== Bitwise Rotleft ===
rotleft(00101101,0) -> 00101101
rotleft(00101101,1) -> 01011010
rotleft(00101101,2) -> 10110100
rotleft(00101101,3) -> 01101001
rotleft(00101101,4) -> 11010010
rotleft(00101101,5) -> 10100101
rotleft(00101101,6) -> 01001011
rotleft(00101101,7) -> 10010110 rotleft(00101101,8) -> 00101101
- We note that this forms a “backward” or “leftward” rotate.
- This is a non-standard rotate, often called
- A future assignment will use a “forward” or “rightward” rotate.
- This is a non-standard rotate, often called
- Without showing code, it would look like this.
=== Bitwise Rotate ===
rotate(00101101,0) -> 00101101
rotate(00101101,1) -> 10010110
rotate(00101101,2) -> 01001011
rotate(00101101,3) -> 10100101
rotate(00101101,4) -> 11010010
rotate(00101101,5) -> 01101001
rotate(00101101,6) -> 10110100
rotate(00101101,7) -> 01011010 rotate(00101101,8) -> 00101101
- The C language bitwise operations often seem quite unstable.
- It is a virtual certainty you will encounter pernicious bugs.
- Use
unsigned int
or justunsigned
to avoid negative shenanigans. - Print everything all the time.
- Liberally consult
and C language documentation. - Ask questions early and often.
Tester Show
- I am providing the following Containerfile, which will serve as a minimal autograder
- It sets up an Ubuntu container.
- It downloads a .c and .sh file and script to test.
- It copies in “macros.c” from your system.
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt update && apt install gcc curl -y
RUN curl -o tester.c
RUN curl -o
COPY macros.c .
- I built my container via:
podman build -t tester .
- I tested my code via:
podman run tester /bin/bash
- If the above script returns
you are done.- Upload your code to your GitHub on which I am a collaborator.
- I will review the most recent version prior to the due date.
- It may be non-obvious how the tester functions.
- When the container is built, it copies in
- Within the container,
:- Reads
- Finds lines containing the 3 define statements
- Echos these statements to the command line
- Echoes
to the command line - Runs
over the command line inputtester.c
intentionally causes a suppressed error (-Wno
)- The command line code needs its languages specified (
- Runs the output executable
- Echoes the return value via `$?
- Reads
- A return value of n denotes:
- Perfect.
is incorrectMEDIAN
is incorrect butCHOICE
is correctROTATE
is incorrect butCHOICE
are correct
- It may be the case that
runs strangly on your system.- It assumes an underlying AMD64 device
- GCP cloud console runs on AMD64
, installed by default, is an alternative topodman
on GCP.
- When the container is built, it copies in
- The tester doesn’t include
so it isn’t easy to examine. - You can view sample outputs here.
#include <stdio.h>
/* your code here
#define CHOICE(x,y,z)
#define MEDIAN(x,y,z)
#define ROTATE(a,b) */
int main() {
/* Various Variables*/
unsigned a[4] = {0x11110000, 0x11001100, 0x10101010, 0xABCD0123};
/* CHOICE */
("*Rotates use a decimal shift value, but print in hexadecimal:\n");
printf("CHOICE(\n%08lX,\n%08lX,\n%08lX) = \n--------\n%08lX\n\n", a[0], a[1], a[2], CHOICE(a[0], a[1], a[2]));
printf("MEDIAN(\n%08lX,\n%08lX,\n%08lX) = \n--------\n%08lX\n\n", a[0], a[1], a[2], MEDIAN(a[0], a[1], a[2]));
printf("*Rotates use a decimal shift value, but print in hexadecimal:\n");
printf("ROTATE(\n%08lX, 04) = \n--------\n%08lX\n\n", a[3], ROTATE(a[3], 4));
printf("ROTATE(\n%08lX, 08) = \n--------\n%08lX\n\n", a[3], ROTATE(a[3], 8));
printf("ROTATE(\n%08lX, 12) = \n--------\n%08lX\n\n", a[3], ROTATE(a[3], 12));
printf("ROTATE(\n%08lX, 02) = \n--------\n%08lX\n\n", 0x1000, ROTATE(0x1000, 2));
printf("ROTATE(\n%08lX, 30) = \n--------\n%08lX\n\n", 0x1000, ROTATE(0x1000, 30));
return 0;
*Rotates use a decimal shift value, but print in hexadecimal:
10101010) =
10101010) =
*Rotates use a decimal shift value, but print in hexadecimal:
ABCD0123,04) =
ABCD0123,08) =
ABCD0123,12) =
00001000,02) =
00001000,30) =
-------- 00004000