CS 151 Programming*


*CS 151: Introduction to Programming in Python
Spring 2022, Willamette University
MWF 9:10 - 10:10 A.M., "Salem TBD"


Calvin Deutschbein
Ford 206

Course Description

An introduction to computer science using Python. Introduces students to the fundamental concepts of programming and computational problem solving. Students will study and create programs that perform various tasks, including text and file manipulation, internet scraping, data structures, and testing. Topics will include general programming idioms such as variables, logic and loops as well as Python specific idioms such as list comprehension and generators. Object-oriented programming will be introduced.

Key Dates

Week of 10/11: Midterm Exam 1 (tentative)
Week of 11/22: Midterm Exam 2 (tentative)
Week of 12/13: Final (set by Registrar)


40%: Homework
20%: Midterm 1
20%: Midterm 2
20%: Final