CS 399 Systems:


*CS 399 Topics in Computer Science: Networks & Systems,
Spring 2022, Willamette University
Classroom: 10:20-11:20 A.M., "Salem TBD"
No lab section


Calvin Deutschbein
Ford 206

Course Description

Networks & systems form the boundry between abstractions firmly rooted in language and deeper questions in computing regarding the implementation of thinking machines at engineering and physical levels. This course will prepare computer scientists to reason at and across this abstraction boundry to more fully embrace the power of computation.

Students will learn low level languages of C and assembly, use command line tools to study these languages, use features of the operating system including parallelism and networking, and learn how to make changes to operating systems.

Students should complete CS 151 and CS 241 before enrolling in this class.

Key Dates

Week of 2/21: Midterm Exam 1 (tentative)
Week of 4/11: Midterm Exam 2 (tentative)
Week of 5/3: Final (set by Registrar)


40%: Homework
20%: Midterm 1
20%: Midterm 2
20%: Final