2  Quarto Books and GitHub Pages

3 Quarto Books and GitHub Pages

3.0.1 Search Engine

  1. Search “Quarto Books”
  2. Go to https://quarto.org/docs/books/

3.0.2 At the Terminal

  1. Created a folder called “work”.
  2. I ran the following in the terminal:
  1. I will be prompted for a title
    • I used “Python Stack”
  2. I will be prompted if I want to open in vscode
    • I accepted.

3.0.3 In VS Code

  1. Generating the book project automatically generated a _quarto.yml file.
  type: book

  title: "mybook"
  author: "Jane Doe"
  date: "8/18/2021"
    - index.qmd
    - intro.qmd
    - summary.qmd
    - references.qmd

bibliography: references.bib

    theme: cosmo
    documentclass: scrreprt
    cover-image: cover.png
  1. I updated the file to be as follows, with only two chapters:
  type: book

  title: "Python Stack"
  author: "Prof. Calvin"
  date: "1/9/2025"
    - index.qmd
    - VSCode.qmd
    - Books.qmd

    theme: cosmo
    documentclass: scrreprt

3.0.4 Creating Content

  1. I view the initial book by opening a .qmd file and using Preview
    • By default on Windows, Crtl+Shift+K
  2. I include some content in my new .qmd files.
    • For me, this was a prior lecture “Python, VS Code, Quarto”
    • For me, this was this .qmd on books & pages.
  3. I use a full render after creating content to ensure everything is up-to-date.

4 On GitHub

Follow this guide

4.0.1 Publish Content to GitHub Pages

  1. Search “Quarto Publish”
  2. Go to https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/github-pages.html
  3. Read the following:

an important pre-requisite: you need to have a Git repository on your local machine that is synced to GitHub.

4.0.2 Create a Git repository

  1. Navigate to https://github.com/
  2. Select the Green Button 🖥️New
  3. Do some setup:
    • Select an owner
      • I am @cd-public
    • Name the repository
      • I’ll do “python-stack-book”
    • Add a description.
      • “Demo quarto book on the Python tech stack.”
  4. Select the Green Button Create repository

4.0.3 Create a New Repository on the Command Line

  1. Navigate in the file system to your book directory.
    • You will need to set up Git at the command line.

4.0.4 Follow the Instruction from Quarto

  1. Return to https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/github-pages.html
  2. Follow instructions from Render to docs up to Publish Command